Fee Payment
Registation fees and deadlines for conference are:- Regular early (up to
1/12/20137/December/2013): 285 euros. - Regular late (up to 15/01/2014): 360 euros.
- Student early (up to
1/12/20137/December/2013): 150 euros. - Student late (up to 15/01/2014): 200 euros.
- Accompanying person : 50 euros.
Conference fee includes a get-together party, coffee breaks, participant’s package, abstract book and participation in all the sessions.
After paying the conference fee, please send a copy of the bank transfer to Neusa Lagarto by email (neusa@ua.pt) indicating the name of the participant and address to fill the receipt. Receipt will be delivered at reception desk if not asked otherwise.
Bank account information:
Please note:
- Use Call for Abstracts to submit your work if you didn't do it yet.
- The deadline for registration fee payment for inclusion in the abstract book is 15/January/2014