Abstracts submission

Abstracts must be written in English and contain no more than 600 characters (no formulas or mathematical notations are allowed). Each registered author is allowed to submit only one abstract at the conference.

Please note that the submission must be done by the person who will present the work and will be shown as first author. No change to the first speaker will be allowed later.

Please, submit your abstract using the EURO-ONLINE submission system.

Papers related to the abstract presented at EURO mini 2014 can be considered for peer-reviewed publication in special issues. For more information click here.


  • Here you can have the "Call for Abstracts" version in PDF.
  • Poster presentation are not planned for the conference.
  • Please, check fee payment for instructions about the conference fee payment.
  • If you are going to participate in the conference you need to fill a form and send it to DMAT-miniEURO2014@ua.pt.